copyright - Clara Valverde


Park Outremont
Make me fall in love with you 
trees of night sky 
seduce me again and again 
with the sound of the wind in your leaves 

Enamour me 
with your fingering branches 
make me helpless 
at the beauty of your dark lines


Speak Silence
How can I get you to speak silence 
put the words aside 
and listen to what I don't say: 
that I long to lose me 
and have you do the finding 

While time keeps waiting 
I become the moon of your planet, 
your arms, my gravity, 
but you cannot hear me not talking 
and I am growing fond of this longing


It's not time for the birth
It's not time for the birth 
and you already want out 
insisting that the growing should stop, 
while your belly keeps swelling with sea. 

With time she will come out 
eyes stinging with salt, 
body quivering 
from the force of the waves 

and i, who thought was alone, 
now find myself carrying 
my nostrils full of the deep sea smell. 

i often bragged of not wanting 
to go through labour pains like my mother, 
and now look at me, 
screaming myself into birth. 

Well, that'll teach you 
to want to leave the shore.


Frida Kahlo's Room
enclosed in glass 
unfolding in two 
I scatter held griefs 
over canvas 

little girl 
of landlocked promises 
blue and seashell 
for my hidden ship. 

  • (Coyoacan, Mexico D.F.)


Dear Sir
You may be pleased to note, dear sir, 
that those few glances of yours 
have pitted my senses 
against myself. 

Now the battle rages on 
while you stand innocently 
on the side lines.


Another night near the Honduran border
At the mouth of the dragon 
night feels afraid 
but love stays on 
weaving itself in our dreams 
waiting for gunfire sound 
while the deafening silence sticks to my skin. 

Outside, the moon 
nightwatches faithfully 
and waits.


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